The Beginning - London
The Lyceum Club in London. Formed 1903
‘A Club of women interested in the arts, sciences, social concerns and in the pursuit of lifelong learning.’ Constance Smedley
The original Lyceum Club was founded in London in June 1903. It was the brainchild of the British artist, author and playwright Constance Smedley and her friends, who hoped to establish an exclusive, international chain of clubs where educated, professional women could meet and discuss – as their male counterparts had done for centuries – more than the daily minutiae of the household.
The name ‘Lyceum’ originated in Athens in centuries past.
The new club was initially intended only for writers and illustrators. The membership was soon opened to a wider group of women from professional, political and academic spheres.
1903…. 1923…. In September 2023, London celebrated the 120th anniversary of the Lyceum Club and the rebirth of the London Club situated in the Royal Air Force Club.